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Tinkering Cyclist

Assorted Bicycle Themed Keychains w/ Upcycled Bike Chain

Regular price $14.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.99 USD
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Check out these Laser Engraved Wooden Bike Themed Keychains. Made from reclaimed, upcycled bicycle chains. You'll get an assortment of designs all of which will be bicycle themed. If you have specific designs that you'd like, contact me and I may be able to accommodate. Approximately 1.6" at widest point ________________________________________________________________ Tinkering Cyclist Info: All used bike parts are reclaimed from my own family's bikes, or local bike shop's scrap bins. They are given a new purpose in life and upcycled into new, beautiful, functional pieces. These parts are degreased, cleaned, and sometimes polished to achieve the desired finish. They may contain flaws, defects, rust or grease remnants, but that's the nature of the beast. Follow on Instagram For Latest & Greatest: @tinkeringcyclist