Learn all About Print Making and Get Inspired to Make

Learn all About Print Making and Get Inspired to Make

This month we are exploring all different types of Tinkering and Making! One of our goals at the Scott Family Amazeum is to engage with materials, tools, and ideas to construct knowledge and create things. For the next couple months, Curiosity Corner, the Scott Family Amazeum museum store, will highlight some of our favorite tools and kits that help create inspiration to make. We are kicking it off with exploring print making. Print Making is a process of making art through transferring a image or design to another surface; typically paper or fabric. There are many different types of print making.


Block Printing is a relief printing technique that uses a carved mater to transfer ink onto fabric or paper. Try out our Speedball Block Printing Starter kit to explore linocut block printing or try carving your own stamps with this great kit from Kikkerland, the Carve your own stamp kit. This kit comes with everything you need to make custom stamps. Simply choose the design you want, transfer it to the rubber sheet, and carve!


Monoprinting is a type of print making where the intent is to make unique prints. A monoprint is a single impression of an image made from a re-printable block. You can explore a newer form of mono printing that uses flexible printing plates called Gelli printing! This is a fun way to use elements to create interesting textures and designs. Our Gelli Printmaking Starter Kit includes everything you need to get started in Gelli printing. This kit includes a Gelli printing plate, a roller, acrylic paints and more!


Every wondered how your t-shirt was made? Many shirts are made through the Screen Printing process. Screen Printing is a process using mesh to transfer ink to specific areas, as the ink goes through the permeable areas of the screen it is applied to the paper or fabric. Try out Screen Printing at home with the Artful Screen Printing Starter Box.


We would love to know what YOU create this month! If you explore print making or other forms of making, be sure to tag @theamazeum when posting pictures or email us some of your creations to curiositycorner@amazeum.org.

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