Why Shop at Curiosity Corner: Enhancing Our Community Through the Power of Discovery

Why Shop at Curiosity Corner: Enhancing Our Community Through the Power of Discovery

Museums aren't just places for artifacts; they're community hubs that spark learning and connection. That's exactly what the Scott Family Amazeum, a non-profit 501(c), stands for. It's a place where hands-on exhibits turn education into an adventure, igniting a passion for learning across all ages. Alongside interactive displays, the Amazeum offers tailored programs for various age groups that inspire critical thinking and self-discovery. One standout facet of this experience is Curiosity Corner, the museum store. This carefully curated store brings the excitement of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) learning right to your doorstep. Step into Curiosity Corner and step into a world of creativity, curiosity, and discovery.

Every year, more than 250,000 people find their way to the Amazeum. What's unique is that the revenue from Curiosity Corner directly supports the Amazeum's initiatives. This funding allows the Amazeum to open its doors to all, even during "Priceless Nights" on Wednesdays when families can join in after hours and decide what to pay for admission. This support extends beyond the museum's walls through initiatives like "Amazeum Anywhere" and "Unfield Trips," reaching local schools and organizations. By choosing Curiosity Corner, you're not only choosing products; you're choosing to strengthen your community.

But the magic doesn't stop there. Your choice to shop at Curiosity Corner transforms into a community investment. It aids the Amazeum's capacity to provide enriching experiences for all, fostering growth and education. Your involvement in the "Priceless Nights" and support for initiatives like "Amazeum Anywhere" make a tangible impact on the region. The best part is that exploring Curiosity Corner doesn't require an admission ticket, making it accessible to everyone. From science to art, math to engineering, the store's thoughtfully selected products enable learning and creativity right at home. By embracing Curiosity Corner, you're not just shopping; you're cultivating a collective journey towards growth.

So, step into Curiosity Corner and take home more than just products. Take home the thrill of curiosity, the delight of discovery, and the promise of a more united community. Let's turn curiosity into a powerful force that transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary.

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